DayR Wiki
This page is an archive. It may be useful for users who don't update their game, or for curious people... Here is the page of history.

Reason: Deprecated since Nurse appear everything from Survivor Camp
" Using a first aid kit fully removes negative effects and heals all diseases and injuries. "

Information on this page is checked and up to date with the current version v.678.


First Aid Kit is a very rare life-saving item capable of removing all negative effects to players and bringing their life from the brink of death. It works very much like Alphacelone however, its rarity make the First Aid Kit more precious and valuable.

The kit is a single use item. It is recommended to use it as a last resort when everything else fails.


First Aid Kit cannot be looted anywhere in the map nor is craftable. Players can only get them during special occasions such as Christmas & New Year events. A Green Gift was awarded to players after completing the event and players have the chance to receive the kit once opened.


UseUse Apply


  • The kit is a Forbidden item and cannot be traded between players.
  • In previous versions, First Aid Kit can be obtained after logging in for 35 days of the Daily Rewards.
  • The kit can also be purchased in the store for 1,000 Caps on older versions.
